29. Dezember 2021 – 2. Januar 2022


Was ist das tiefste Geheimnis des Todes?

Der Jahreswechsel ist eine besondere Zeit. Ein altes Jahr endet: Es stirbt, damit etwas Neues beginnen kann. Was liegt in der Lücke zwischen den beiden?

Diese Zeit ist eine Einladung zu einem tiefen Loslassen und eine Einladung zu etwas Neuem. Sie ist eine Metapher für die tiefste Art der Transformation – Tod und Wiedergeburt.

Im Tibetischen heißt das Wort für Körper „Lü“ und bedeutet „etwas, das man zurücklässt“; jedes Mal, wenn „Lü“ gesagt wird, ist es also eine Erinnerung daran, dass dieses Leben vergänglich ist und wir nur Reisende sind. In unserer modernen Welt hingegen haben wir eine Realität voller Konsum und Ablenkungen geschaffen, in der es scheinbar keinen Tod gibt. Das beraubt uns gleichzeitig des tieferen Sinns und der mystischen Tiefe des Lebens. Wir planen und bereiten uns vor und warten – ohne jemals wirklich lebendig zu sein.

Anhand einer Geschichte aus der alten Kata Upanishad, in der sich ein Junge auf den Weg macht, um den Tod zu treffen und nach dem Sinn von Leben und Tod zu befragen, werden wir die transformative Tiefe dieses unglaublichen Mysteriums – des Todes – erkunden, um schließlich in ihm wiedergeboren zu werden.

Das ist die Einladung zu diesem neuen Online-Retreat mit Shai Tubali.



“Those who look at the surface of the sea must behold the birth and death of the waves, but those who seek the depths of the ocean behold one indivisible mass of water. Similarly, those who acknowledge “life” and “death” are tossed by sorrow, while those who live in the illimitable superconsciousness behold and feel the One Ineffable Bliss. “

~ Paramahansa Yogananda

What participants of programmes with Shai Tubali say:

„Shai hat eine unvergleichliche Art, komplexe Themen zu vermitteln, die wir nicht mit dem Verstand, sondern nur mit dem Herzen begreifen können. Die Tatsache, dass ich mich mit so vielen Schichten und Ebenen identifizieren konnte, machte das Zuhören für mich zu einem großen Vergnügen. Soweit ich das beurteilen kann, habe ich sehr von dieser Challenge profitiert. Herzlichen Dank!“

Andrea Gillert

„I thank you Shai and your whole team from the bottom of my heart for this path you have opened for us. You are just one step away from ease and you just don’t know it. I have learnt more in this challenge than in my whole life, the highest knowledge that every human being should have. I am happy to pass this knowledge on to those around me if they want it. I myself feel that I am getting calmer and calmer and that I AM and can just trust my life because now everything is always OK, no matter what happens. I have also started the Challenge again. It will now continue to accompany me and open up more and more aspects of my being. <3 THANK YOU; THANK YOU; THANK YOU <3 NAMASTE“.

Estefania G.

„Danke für diese 21-Tage-Challenge! Sie hat nach einem Schicksalsschlag wieder Ordnung, Frieden und Liebe in meine Emotionen und Gefühle gebracht und mich meine „unter Emotionen erschütterten“ Verbindungen zu meinem tiefsten und innersten Selbst spüren lassen. Ich kann meine Sensibilität und meinen Ursprung wieder deutlich spüren. Ich habe mich jahrelang vor diesem inneren Wissen verschlossen und erlebe vielleicht erst jetzt dieses Geschenk des Erwachens.“

Sandra Pühringer

„A very gentle, caring and loving journey in search of fulfilment, wholeness and meaning in life that ultimately leads back to ourselves. An immensely precious and joyful gift for all who allow themselves to be invited on this journey.“


Through the unconditional love that Shai always transmits in his seminars, through his pure presence, through the hope, the explanations, I was able to embark on the spiritual path. I understand the deep meaning of his being.
I am infinitely grateful. I have the feeling of having been saved. I feel like a caterpillar and Shai has given me the nourishment I needed to become a beautiful butterfly. My heart is open and I feel, see, hear the love everywhere. Through his words the path continues for me as well and through that I touch other people again and the world starts to change. I notice this in my immediate surroundings“

Jeanett Schnoor

„Dear Shai, dear team, dear everyone,
I don’t know what to say. There are only tears running and in my heart there is a feeling of infinitely deep touch.
How long have I longed for this connection, how long has my heart cried out for this realisation. What a challenging journey….
It obviously takes some time for a deep insight to slowly grow.

I am everything. I contain everything. I am full of fullness and at the same time „emptiness“. This realisation has revealed itself today on a very incisive and deep level in my heart and I am sure that this realisation may now deepen even further.
I would like to thank you, the team and all of life from the bottom of my heart.
A special thank you for your clear and honest words, thank you for your endless efforts, your support and your endless love. As I listened to your words today, I realised the dedication and love with which you share the messages with the world. At that moment I felt no separation and it seemed as if only the One was speaking to itself.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for this wonderful challenge and I wish you endless and liberating insights for the road ahead.
From my heart“

Nadia D.

How You can Participate

29. of December - 2. of January

The retreat starts in the evening of the 29th December and ends after the morning talk  on the 2nd of January.


As a live online retreat or self-study course

You can join us live or immerse yourself in the teachings and exercises at your own pace over several weeks.

The journey is all about you

The journey is all about you. All lectures are created to take you step-by-step deeper into experiencing your true, divine nature.


After the seminar, the recordings are made available in our Online Campus. You can access them at any time and continue practising at your own pace.

Exclusive Online-Campus

Get access to the exclusive membership area with all recordings, after the seminar weekend.

24 Month full Access

Join now and get 24 months access to all materials for only  380 € 300 €.

100% risk free

60 days money back guarantee

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About Shai Tubali

Spiritual teacher, author, and philosopher, Shai is a prolific and renowned author with 23 published books to date. His bestselling books have been translated into five languages and have won awards in Israel and the United States. In his teaching, Shai combines Yogic knowledge and Eastern practices with the latest in Western science, psychology, and philosophy to create innovative transformative processes. Indeed, almost 20 years of in-depth study of Eastern thought and Yogic tradition have brought this trained Yogi up to a master level in utilizing the tools of spirituality to offer structure, deep insights, and methods for personal growth in all areas of life. Based on his own direct and ongoing revelation of cosmic consciousness since the age of 23, he is a pioneering figure in the field of self-transformation who has helped thousands of people to transform their lives in his many years of teaching around the world.

“The entirely different perspective from on our PURE BEING, free of Dogmas and rituals, free of have to, should, otherwise…. is so liberating and inspiring. To place ourselves in freedom like this, is pure love. Thank you so much!”

Elisabeth Lumina

“The loving guidance from the level of the person through the transpersonal field towards the SELF touched me a lot. A helping hand – yet fully open. Clearly focused and still so free.”

Michael Lindenberg

„Shai speaks from his heart to our heart … in this way our heart gets ears … and we can listen from here … in this oneness, in this vast spirit, it is possible to lose myself and to find myself.“

Katrin Cüppers