Soul Structure: Your Three-type Chakra Personality

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1. Transfer the seminar fee or first instalment

Please transfer the seminar fee (888 € early bird, 950 € normal price) or your first instalment of 320 €.

Please enter in the subject line “Three-type Chakra Personality 2022 + Your first and last name”.

Bank details:
Recipient: Shay Tubaly

IBAN: DE70 1001 0010 0076 3691 38

Beymestr. 5
12167 Berlin

Organisational Information


  • Normal price: 950 € (incl. 19% VAT)
  • Early Bird price until June 1st: 888 € (incl. 19% VAT)


9. – 10.7.22
20. – 21.8.22
10. – 11.9.22

Hours: 10:30-18:30 CET


Contact Person:

Carlos Stickel
+49 178 5175 114

„All of you are rays of the great sun; beautiful embodiments of your own chakra types“

– Shai Tubali

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