Hidden Memory Mastery – Booking

Hidden Memory Certification Training 2024 – Registration

Weekly Dates, March 1 – June 14, 2024 

Live-Lessons + Guided Pracites + Partner-Practices + Supervision Calls 

  • Each lesson between 16:00 – 19:30 once every 2 weeks (Portugal Time zone) 

  • Each couple practice – independently handled by the participants once every 2 weeks, 17:00 – 21:00

  • 1 supervision call once every two weeks (after practice) 17:00-19:00 



Week 1 – Lesson 1 Hidden Memories – Introduction 1-3-24

Week 2 – Lesson 2 – Hidden Memories of Trauma  8-3-24

Week 3 Couple practice – The Hidden Memory of Trauma 15-3-24

Week 4 – supervision call 28-3-24

Week 5 – Lesson 3 Hidden Memories of Aggression 5-4-24

Week 6 Couple practice – The Hidden Memory of Aggression 12-4-24

Week 7 – supervision call 26-4-24

Week 8 – Lesson 4 Hidden Memories of Attachment 3-5-24

Week 9 – Couple practice – The Hidden Memory of Attachment 9-5-24

Week 10 – supervision call 17-5-24

Week 11 – Lesson 5 Hidden Memories of Skills and Abilities – The Positive Subconscious 31-5-24

Week 12 –  Couple practice – The Hidden Memory of Skills and Abilities  7-6-24

Week 13 – supervision call and summary 14-6-24