An Introduction to the
Ultimate Meditation with Shai Tubali
May 13–14, 2023, Kassel, Germany (also available online)

You will get to:
Delve into the secrets of the powerful Tibetan Buddhist Tummo Meditation (Inner Fire Meditation)
Discover the Wisdom needed for complete Self-Realization
Learn how to transcend restless thoughts and enter states of deep and liberating meditation

Discover the Fire of Transformation

Did you know there are direct keys that lead to an experience of bliss, freedom, and transcendent states of consciousness?
It doesn’t take years of practice to reach deep states of meditation if you know how to activate your inner energies in the right way. For centuries, the principles behind the most powerful enlightenment technique – Inner Fire Meditation – have been passed on in secret in the Buddhist Tibetan tradition. Only a few selected, experienced students were initiated into the Inner Fire.
However, according to the requirements of our modern times, in recent years Tummo has been taught more and more publicly and also revealed to Western practitioners.
Shai Tubali’s wish is to make the original depth and essential principles of the Inner Fire accessible to all who are interested, to all with an interest in deep inner transformation and true self-realization. It is a true gem to anyone who longs for spiritual transformation and enlightenment.
This seminar is an invitation to discover the Inner Fire Meditation as a foundation of sublime and infinitely expanding states of consciousness, leading you into a deeper and deeper realization of your true nature.
An Introduction to the Yoga of Inner Heat
Experience the Inner Fire Meditation
Throughout these two days, we are going to study the Tummo Meditation on different levels, slowly increasing the intensity and our understanding of its deepest potential.
The practice will be combined with teachings of the subtle mechanism of enlightenment, the nature of Kundalini and the way we can guide our being toward completion of the spiritual journey.
This seminar is particularly recommended to advanced meditators. However, if you are a curious beginner, open enough to experience intensity and spiritual depths, you can be assured that both the practice and the teaching are going to be safe for you. And that you can regulate for yourself the level of your participation during the seminar.

The Seminar Includes

In depth-talks on the subtle mechanisms of Enlightenment and Kundalini

A set of preparatory exercises and meditations

Step-by-step introduction to the different levels of Tummo meditation
This is what enthusiastic participants say

Lizelot de Stigter
Spiritual Teacher, Moving into Unity
"The closest comparison to the Inner Fire practice I can think of, is the magical process of transformation of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Such an evolution is possible for us humans too!"
“My love for the Inner Fire Practice
The closest comparison to the Inner Fire practice I can think of, is the magical process of transformation of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.
Such an evolution is possible for us humans too!
In the practice of Inner Fire we transmute our physical substance back into the light of pure consciousness. Our essential nature.
In the Inner Fire all of our conditioning, illusions, and identifications burn away, and we realize the enlightened state.
There is no greater Bliss.
And through practice this Bliss becomes our state of being, rather than an experience that can come and go.
Whenever one longs for totality and the wisdom of Bliss, to fully choose to be in love with Truth, this is the ultimate meditation practice.”

Ralph Byrszel
Psycho Therapist
"Through the Inner Fire practice I experience more and more great serenity, calmness, peace, silence, joy, bliss, gratitude, clarity, humility, admiration of the fascinating beauty of nature and people."
“For a year now I have been practicing the meditation of the Inner Fire (Tummo) 2x a day. Almost completely disappeared are anger, cravings and worries.
What shows up instead more and more are a great serenity, calmness, peace, silence, joy, bliss, gratitude, clarity, humility, admiration of the fascinating beauty of nature and people. Harmony with what is.
I also practice other exercises and meditations, such as Mahamudra, but Tummo Meditation certainly has the greatest share of changes. I can recommend it from the bottom of my heart.”

Dr. Nir Brosh
""It is a haven for true seekers of truth and transformation. "
An inner fire seminars and retreats with Shai Tubali had been one of the greatest engines of true spiritual transformation for me, combining profound spiritual wisdom, with crystal clear guidance, imbued with depth and inspiration. Shai is a true master of spirit, and the atmosphere in the retreats is highly supportive and well thought through- it is evident that every little detail is taken into consideration, in order to create a highly transformative and empowering spiritual field. It is a haven for true seekers of truth and transformation.”

Phillip Ritzler
"Inner Fire feels like I am directly awakening my Kundalini energy and explosively directing it through the meditation!"
Tummo, the meditation of the inner fire has caused a true revolution in me. Although I have been meditating for 7 years now, the inner fire meditation is the only technique that I immediately wanted to practice every day. It goes directly through the body into consciousness. It feels like I am directly awakening my Kundalini energy and explosively directing it through the meditation. For me it is the ultimate second chakra as well as seventh chakra awakening formula. Also, the connection with the breathing technique is great. I am very grateful to have discovered Tummo. Especially connected with Shai’s interpretation and linking with spiritual wisdom. So step by step the full potential of the technique is revealed.

Franziska Schneider
"This Universe is unbelievable and full of miracles – and so is this seminar! "
“After a meditation I had the gift to sink deep into the intimacy of my true essence, losing all boundaries and merging with a happiness which was so unconditional and nourishing that no words can describe it.
This Universe is unbelievable and full of miracles – and so are seminars with Shai Tubali!
Thank you with all of my heart for all the Love!”
The Tummo, or Inner Fire, Meditation is a technique that most efficiently gathers the energy of Kundalini in the area of the navel and shoots it up through the central column. On its way it clears away blockages in our chakras, the energy centers, and heals physical and emotional stuckness.
In fact, Tummo has become one of the most researched meditations, and has proven to be highly beneficial for the increase of self-esteem, confidence, and general wellbeing.
It is called Inner Fire because it builds up intense heat in our navel area – this Inner Fire, when it reaches the top of our head, becomes an immediate source of bliss, freedom from the world, happiness and light.
This meditation became particularly popular because of the way it enables monks to endure severe cold and snow while consciously controlling their body temperature.
However, this is not our interest in this seminar. Our focus is on the transformative depths that it holds in its ability to show us who we really are and what reality truly is.
Shai Tubali invites you to take this unique opportunity to delve into the actuality of spiritual enlightenment.
Book Publications
Inner Fire in 7 Steps and Mahamudra the Final Realization

Inner Fire in 7 Steps is a profound but friendly guide to the Yoga of Inner Heat. For this purpose, Shai Tubali blends his yogic training in a Hindu tradition, his direct experience, and the tantric Buddhist system, and constructs a method of his own to effectively and systematically guide non-Buddhist modern readers. This book hands the gift of Inner Fire to whoever wishes to practice it.
In Mahamudra: The Final Realization, Shai Tubali offers an extensive illumination of Tilopa’s words in order to make the instructions both accessible and transformative for the modern reader. This elucidation is followed by simple Mahamudra meditations and inquiries, as well as a comprehensive section containing guidance on Tilopa’s supportive tantric practices: Inner Fire and Clear Light.
philosopher and spiritual teacher
Shai Tubali

Spiritual Teacher, Author and Philosopher – Shai is a prolific and renowned author, with 23 books published to date. His bestselling books have been translated into five languages and have won awards in Israel and the United States.
In his teachings Shai makes use of ancient mystical knowledge to enlighten our human experience. He believes that transcendent states of consciousness have the power to pour meaning, depth, order, and clarity into our deeply complex and sometimes troubled life. In his work, I aim to clarify the principle of psychological and spiritual transformation as much as possible.
Based on his own direct and ongoing revelation of cosmic consciousness since the age of 23, he is a pioneering figure in the field of self-transformation who has helped thousands of people to transform their lives in his many years of teaching around the world.
As the developer of the methods taught in The School of Inner Wisdom, he will design and guide us through the structure of the school and its content. Shai will be leading and teaching profound theoretical understanding and teach us how to systematically access expanded states of consciousness and use them for decision-making processes, in order to shape your destiny, direct your life, reach your goals and build a strong sense of confidence.
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How You Can Participate
May 13 – 14, 2023
The each seminar day begins at 10:30 and ends at 18:30.
Haus Chassalla
34117 Kassel
Interactive Live Streaming
You can also participate online from home. The whole retreat will be streamed live via our interactive live broadcast platform.
Carlos Stickel
+49 178 5175 114
Christoper Lakshmana Rauner
We charge 280 Euro 240 Euro (early bird until 15.03.2023) for our seminar program with Shai Tubali.
Join the Seminar Now
Participate live on-site. This package includes online access to all of the video-recordings.
- Date: May 13-14, 2023
- 4 inspiring talks about the subtle mechanism of enlightenment and Kundalini
- Preparatory practices that clear your subtle nervous system, balance your chakras and prepare the subtle body and chakras for the practice of Inner Fire Meditation
- The opportunity to ask questions throughout the seminar, so you can be supported optimally in your individual process.
- Via our online campus you will also get access to the recordings, materials and exercises of the seminar for another 12 months after the program is over
- Instruction in English or with simultaneous translation into German.
- No prior knowledge required.
Price: 280 Euro 240 Euro (early bird until 15.03.2023)
Book the Seminar Now
You have open questions?
I am not experienced/have only a little experience with meditation. Can I still join?
Yes, the seminar program is built in a way that is supportive for beginners and experienced participants alike. You do not need any prior experience in order to take part. The teachings and practices will take you as far as you can comfortably go and lead you, in a soft and structured way, to your full potential of transformation at that time.
Do I need to be Buddhist in order to participate?
No. Shai teaches the essential principles of Inner Fire without the traditional cultural context. You can learn Inner Fire regardless of whether or not you feel you belong to a particular religious tradition. The Inner Fire will support and deepen your understanding and experience of spiritual awakening.
I am not sure if my English skills are good enough to understand everything.
The seminar will be guided in English, but we offer simultaneous German translation for anyone who is interested in that through personal high-quality receivers and headphones. You can choose to listen in English, German, or both.
You have more questions?
Please feel free to contact us. We are more than happy to get to know you and answer your questions!
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